Hello, I'm Victoria Starman Kononova

I'm Front End Developer. I grind HTML, CSS, Javascript and then weld them into beautiful and efficient websites.

About me

I’m a hard working and dedicated professional front-end developer
with a keen eye for detail, and a determination to deliver the very
highest quality. I take great pride in my work, and I always try to
better myself with every project I work on.

I like to write semantic, cross browser compatible code by hand
that is reusable, maintainable and easy to understand.

I am motivated, enthusiastic and well organised, with a keen eye
for beautiful design, primarily based around user interfaces.

The main areas of my expertise are HTML(5), CSS(3) and
JavaScript (native and jQuery) but I have intermediate knowledge
of React and Angular.js .

HTML coding
This is me - Front End Developer



I build complex, intuitive, and high-performing front ends. As a result, I have the experience to consult customers and help them build quality website, with usine lastrends. I can help to my customers to choose the original design, this tactic help them be different and get good results.

HTML coding

One of the popular web-programming languages. HTML5 provides a single, standard way of describing audiovisual content embedded in pages. Support for the new HTML5 standard is provided on almost all modern mobile devices.

App webdelopment

Web apps run on all platforms and eliminate the need to develop an app separately for Android and iOS. Аny operating system is suitable for working with the web application. A web application allows you to process a larger amount of data, as a rule, only by using hardware resources, without rewriting code and changing architecture.

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My work

I have worked on dozens of projects so I have picked only the latest for you.


Assembling aluminum railing

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Website for a private company that is engaged in the installation of aluminum structures. Aluminum structures for balconies, stairs, verandas. The firm cooperates with building companies. The company is expanding her activities and for this purpose we have created this site. Customer have a lot of clients who want to see our work, website it's a good instrument which describing comapany.

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Italian Food

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Website for people who prepare to cook Italian food. In this project combined most popular recepies. The peculiarity of our site is that with one click we open a video of the recipe.

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Association of Voronezh Jews

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The organization is officially registered in Israel, but it also extends its activities to the community in the diaspora, and directs its main efforts to assist in the repatriation of this group, in order to preserve it, subject to strict assimilation.

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Discover Baltic Countries

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Travel guide for tourist who interesting for travel in Baltic Countries. In this website everyone can find description about each Baltic country: Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.

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Information website for israeli citizen about Coronavirus. This site include all information from Ministry of health Israel. Site easy for use.

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Weather Application

Weather Application for mobeile

Simple weather application for mobiles. Always be aware of the weather and you never get wet.

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